Aliph Jawbone Prime Bluetooth Headset

Aliph Jawbone Prime Bluetooth Headset

Availability: In stock
Product Code: 32713BBR

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $59.95.


Product Description

Aliph Jawbone Prime Bluetooth Headset

Product Description

Talk Time: up to 4 hours
Stand By Time: up to 8 days

Product Includes:
– Jawbone Prime (Black)
– Wall Charger
– USB Cable
– 1 Earbud
– 1 Earloop

Jawbone has been able to eliminate real world noise better than any other headset because it is the only headset that can accurately separate speech from ambient noise.

Jawbone PRIME has even better background noise elimination than the previous generations. NoiseAssasin™ 2.1 delivers an order of magnitude improvement in the noisiest environments (6 to 9dB) extracting even more noise while keeping the user’s voice natural. With the Bluetooth version 2.1, pairing is a clinch. Bluetooth Profile 2.1 was the main feature that was missing from the Jawbone II and it makes the Jawbone Prime a relevant upgrade.

Acoustic Voice Activity Detector (AVAD) provides a fail-safe mechanism when the Voice Activity Sensor (VAS) doesn’t touch your face. When the VAS is not touching the face, Jawbone PRIME performs as good as or better than any other noise cancelling headset. When the VAS touches the face, you get the turbo-boost to the NoiseAssassin performance.
After solving NoiseAssassination in the most severe noise environments, Aliph focused its engineers on the task of eliminating the impact wind has on speech. With their strong background in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques, the Aliph team developed a unique all digital Sensor Signal Fusion system to reduce wind noise.

Jawbone PRIME uses an algorithm that digitally fuses together the best audio from its two electret microphones (the clean preserved high-end frequencies of speech) and its patented Voice Activity Sensor (the low-end frequencies of speech) to create a single, natural sounding speech signal.

The industry-standard microphone approach used by most headset companies fails as the microphones become saturated with wind noise distorting the low-end frequencies of speech (as noticed when you use your handset in a windy environment). By leveraging some innovative DSP techniques and Jawbone’s proprietary Voice Activity Sensor (VAS) to reconstruct the missing speech Aliph has implemented a wind solution that maintains award-winning design without having to apply a visually disruptive wind-sock or baffle to physically block the wind.
Jawbone PRIME uses an algorithm that digitally fuses together the best audio from its two electret microphones (the clean preserved high-end frequencies of speech) and its patented Voice Activity Sensor (the low-end frequencies of speech) to create a single, natural sounding speech signal.
The industry-standard microphone approach used by most headset companies fails as the microphones become saturated with wind noise distorting the low-end frequencies of speech (as noticed when you blow over a soda-bottle). By leveraging some innovative DSP techniques and Jawbone’s proprietary Voice Activity Sensor (VAS) to reconstruct the missing speech they have managed to implement a wind solution that maintains their award-winning design without having to apply a visually disruptive wind-sock or baffle to physically block the wind.
Jawbone PRIME also has a subtle wind feedback mechanism built into the headset that gently alerts you when voice clarity is compromised due to wind gusts so the user can self-correct. While Jawbone PRIME does not completely remove the impact of wind, it does more than any other headset to remove wind and alert the user to the fact that wind may be affecting the conversation. This is the beginning of Jawbone’s journey toward silencing wind.


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